Victorinox Hunter XT Grip, 111 mm, orange/schwarz - OnFire Shop
    Victorinox Hunter XT Grip, 111 mm, orange/schwarz - OnFire Shop
Victorinox Hunter XT Grip, 111 mm, orange/schwarz - OnFire Shop

Victorinox Hunter XT Grip, 111 mm, orange/black

Regular price
59,90 €
Sale price
59,90 €
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The new benchmark for hunting knives. The Hunter pocket knife was designed specifically for hunters and other true outdoor enthusiasts. The oval thumbholes on each blade allow it to be opened with one hand and the two-component scales allow the knife to rest securely in the hand. Thanks to the curved shape and a special hunting blade with a rounded tip, you can quickly and easily gut the game you have killed on the spot.

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