QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
    QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
    QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
    QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop
QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hämostyptikum - OnFire Shop

QuikClot® Combat Gauze® Z-Folded Hemostatic Agent

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64,20 €
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64,20 €
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The QuikClot® Combat Gauze is suitable for treating venous and arterial bleeding. The practical Z-folded gauze is used to pack large, heavily bleeding injuries directly at the source of bleeding in the wound cavity. QuikClot® products have their roots in the military sector and are part of the emergency medical standard in the field of hemostasis. The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) recommends QuikClot® as the first choice when it comes to the use of hemostatic dressings or compressible bleeding that cannot be controlled with tourniquets. Hemostatic dressing materials are coated and actively promote blood clotting. QuikClot® uses the mineral active ingredient kaolin. This accelerates hemostasis as the blood's ability to clot increases.


  • Remove the hemostatic wound dressing from the packaging.
  • Apply the QuikClot® Z-folded gauze directly to the source of bleeding in the wound cavity.
  • Apply pressure to the wounded area for at least three minutes or until bleeding stops.
  • Then apply a pressure bandage, for example with the help of an emergency bandage , so that the pressure on the source of bleeding is maintained.
  • Note: The use of the hemostatic dressing is only an immediate measure to stop the blood and prevent excessive blood loss! The wound should therefore be treated by a doctor as quickly as possible.

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