Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
    Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
    Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
    Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop
Faltkanister 10 Liter und 20 Liter - OnFire Shop

Folding canisters 10 liters and 20 liters

Regular price
12,90 €
Sale price
12,90 €
Regular price
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Foldable canister for storing drinking water. The canister is ideal for traveling, camping trips and outdoor activities. It's also super handy for stocking water in crisis and emergency situations. When empty, the canister can be folded up compactly and to save space. When filled, the canister can be practically stacked. The sturdy handle makes it easy to transport and the water can be easily removed with the outlet tap. The material is food safe.

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